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Things You Need to Know About Cartilage Piercing

Kalpana Kumari
Searching for some useful cartilage piercing information? Here, read some of the facts and aftercare tips on this type of piercing.
Cartilage piercing is the latest rage among the younger generation. It is a fashion statement for many young boys and girls. If you are planning to experiment with your looks with this, you must collect some basic information. Let's see this body art, some of its possible complications, and a few tips on its aftercare.

Cartilage Piercing

The body parts commonly involved in cartilage piercing are the upper ears and the middle of the nostrils. The rook penetrates the cartilaginous tissue. The cartilage is not supplied with blood in the amount that goes through the skin, therefore, it takes time to heal and retains some permanent damage in many cases.
This is the reason that there are many complications associated with the cartilage piercing. On an average, the healing time exceeds 5-6 times the time taken by normal body piercings. This means that you have to suffer some additional months of bleeding, pain, and other complications, like infections.
Treating infection in cartilage is more difficult, and it may take a longer time and a more aggressive antibiotic treatment. Thus, you need to be very careful with your cartilage piercing so as to recover from it and enjoy it safely.


The nose or ear cartilage piercing care begins from the time of penetration and making a hole in the cartilage. You should never use a gun for this type of piercing, as it might have been used on several customers and so can increase the risk of infection. Always go for a fully sterile needle to get your cartilage pierced.
Secondly, try to keep the cartilage clean to give an ideal healing atmosphere to the wound. Wash your hands thoroughly every time you need to touch it. For cleaning the wound, use a cotton ball or pad. Dip it in plain water and wet the area with it. Also apply a few drops of a good quality antibacterial cleanser. Rub it with a cotton swab to produce lather.
Try to gently loosen any crusty discharge and sweep it away. Rotate the jewelry pierced in the cartilage in gentle motions. This will ensure that the lather enters the hole in the cartilage. Now, rinse the wound well with plenty of plain water and allow it to dry. Also, use a silver or gold jewelry for piercing to further reduce the risk of infection.
Now, you have a pretty good idea of the possible negative effects of cartilage piercing, as well as how to prevent and cope with them. Therefore, if you really want to get your ear or nose pierced, take all the suggested precautions to keep yourself on the safe side and enjoy the piercing as long as you wish.