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Vine Tattoo Ideas

Gagan Dhillon
If you are considering getting inked and are looking for something simple, yet eye-catching, try a vine tattoo. Read this article to know of all the possible ideas for this design.
Body art has been a part of human culture since centuries. In some customs, they are considered as a sign of rebellion, whereas in certain tribes, they are considered as a sign of identification. All in all, body art personifies our love for creativity and beauty. The need to permanently decorate the body, and steal a pinch of immortality for the sake of art, gave birth to tattoos.


Vines have a lot of meaning and symbolism attached to them, which takes roots from various cultural and religious beliefs. Vines, per se, are considered holy and pure, therefore, are symbolic of peace and harmony. The connotation behind vines is that of emphasis on growth and progress.
When it comes to vine designs, it is imperative that you are completely aware of what your tattoo will symbolize. Vines have had their fair share of controversies in the early days when they were shunned for being associated with paganism, but later, they were embraced again by the church as a symbol of peace.
The Romans considered grape vines as the symbol of the God of wine. Thus, they are also associated with crowns and monarchy. For example, the idea of the crown on Christ's head is often considered to imply the pictorial representation of the inheritance of human sins.
This does not imply that vine tattoos are dark, on the contrary, they look very elegant on women, as they lend a touch of raw femininity. There is an ocean of variety when it comes to vine designs for women. The best thing about these designs is that one can get it anywhere on the body.
They give freedom of flexibility to both, the artist and the wearer. A multitude of ideas can be incorporated through vine body art designs, which many times, is not possible if one wants to ink contradictory notions.
Designs for girls have plenty of designs which feature vines. Vine tattoo designs for women are engulfed in the possibilities of experimenting with something fresh and challenging, as these designs have a lot of scope to be played with.

Design Ideas

When one decides to get themselves inked, they are usually faced by the dilemma of choosing the design idea and the area where they would like to be inked. Vines look very pretty when placed on the ankle or on the shoulder blade of girls.
If one wants to create an aura of mystery, then a tattoo on the hip is ideal. Hip tattoos are very popular among women, as they add to the seductive charm of the wearer. They also hurt less, as the area is fleshy. If you are considering a vine design on the hip, you can choose from plenty of designs, ranging from flowers to stars.
The most common places for such body art are the arms and ankles, but my personal favorite is one on the wrist. When it comes to these designs, the sky is the limit!
If you are considering wrist tattoos, be sure about the design you choose, as it will always be visible, and you would not want a design that you do not relate to. Since this part is less fleshy, getting inked here tends to hurt more.
For your wrist, you can experiment with lettering styles and designs, and ask the artist to incorporate it into a vine design. If you like a touch of bohemian style, you can even opt for one of the more classy neck tattoos for girls.
The artist can work with a design where a vine can start from the shoulder blade, and make its way up to the nape of the neck. Neck inking tends to hurt more, so speak to someone who has one already to know exactly what you are getting into, as these tattoos also require a lot of extensive care.
Hearts are often incorporated into vine designs. A rightly placed heart design, combined with a vine, can easily express otherwise complex messages. For example, a heart surrounded by vine can signify love for nature, or a vine with hearts instead of leaves can signify growth of love, etc.
Tattoos on ribs are very popular these days, especially after Rihanna got a gun inked there. Vine designs on ribs are perfect for expressing emotions like love and growth that are very close to the heart, so if you want to depict the birth of love, or a similar idea, a vine tattoo on the ribs is ideal.
This design is often drawn on the arm, in fact, this the most common place to get it.
Men too can get vine tattoos, but for this, they thoroughly need to search for an appropriate design. Designs for men with vine need to be rustic, and have strong elements, like a combination of a vine and a barbed wire.
If you have decided on a vine design, do not forget that it is very versatile, and your tattoo artist can play with a number of elements. Just communicate your ideas, and watch creativity unfold before you!